Styx River Resort, Alabama

Posted by Tom & Denise 2/23/2023


Battleship Memorial Park - USS Alabama

Dragon City Buffet

Farm Fresh Meat Butcher Shop

Styx River Rifle Range


AT&T - 4 bars 4G Lte
T-Mobile - 5 bars 5G
Both were adequate for working and streaming TV

We were on site G-19

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Sweet Home Alabama

We are spending three weeks at this resort. It is part of Ocean Canyon Resorts so there is no out of pocket expense to stay, which makes it nice. One drawback to this is that it is easier to overlook the parks shortcomings. 

Some examples -  

  • The website says there is a restaurant in the park, there is, it is closed and they don't know if it will reopen.
  • Camp store is invisible, at least we can't find it.
  • The roads in the park are very rough. We have a difficult time navigating them, even on foot.

It is located next to the Styx River - not the one with the disembodied souls of the damned floating in it - the other one. You can't really see the river from anywhere in the resort, there is an overgrowth of trees and bushes that prevents that, although you can hear it from time to time. They do have a nice walking path that goes along the banks so if you're adventurous - you can stroll the river.

I will say this, it is quiet here, at least during the week. It's hard to find a child or anyone under 60 for that matter. Now, it should be said, this is not a shortcoming in our minds - quiet is good. it is funny being part of this crowd.

Our site is on the end of a row next to the invisible river. Our neighbors on the back side live a short distance from here and are not at the site the entire day. The neighbor across the street has not been there since we arrived, all good things. We do get the "site-walkers" three times a day. They are similar to "mall-walkers" but not as fast. 

They have Carpenter Bees down here. They look like a bumble bee but huge, like the size of a sparrow (not really), but they are big. I was glad to know that don't bother people or animals, but still a menacing site to see. Also, every evening there are about 75 large birds (maybe vultures) that assemble in the sky over the resort circling like in an old western. Perhaps they are looking for those "site-walkers" that couldn't keep pace, not sure. 

Our Takeaway

Albeit the resort is older and in need of some improvement the area was nice. A lot of cattle ranches, rolling hills, etc. Shopping was near-enough that it wasn't a burden. The laundry was well kept although Denise did have to get maintenance to open the lid on one machine. 

I don't really like the way Ocean Canyon assigns sites. When you arrive, they drive you around in a cart and show you what is available. So it can be a real "roll of the dice" to get the site you want.